Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. ~Chuck Swindoll

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick-Or-Treat 2009

We went trick or treating with our neighbors again this year~ what a great tradition! While Max was asleep by the 2nd house last year, this year he had a ball! He went up to the door and smiled and hammed it up for the neighbors! Darrell dressed as a hockey player, I was the ref, and Max of course debuted as the puck! I am pleased and surprised at how long he kept his costume on!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Last Saturday (Oct 17) Max came down w/ a terrible fever/virus. By the end of the week, he was covered in spots! Poor little guy sat on a lap for 6 entire days straight! (thanks Grandaddy!) He is well now, and his spots have gone away!

Pullen Park Oct 13

A beautiful day at the park! We went w/ our neighbors to Pullen Park for a little fun! Max loved the train ride and all the little rideon toys in the park!

Just Cute!

Just a couple of cute pics...Oct 09

Do we have tne next Monet or Renoir?!

Thanks to Grammy - Max has all ready started to paint! Well - paint with water - remember those?! He did a great job keeping the brush on the paper! Doesn't he look soo grown up?! Oh and you gotta love the purple bruise across his nose! He fell down outside and landed right on his nose!

Jump up Jump up and get down....Jump around!

Since I ended up having some time between jobs, we were able to take Max to N Raleigh Gym for Tiny Tumblers gymnastics class! He had a ball dancing to the music, running around, and jumping on the trampoline! (which was my favorite since when Max jumps, his poor little feet don't even leave the ground!) It was hard to get good pics since he was so busy!

Hurry Hurry Drive the Firetruck! Oct 4 2009

Special thanks are due to the Bay Leaf Fire Dept for putting on an open house for the kids! What little boy doesn't LOVE fire trucks!? Max got to use the fire hose and "drive" a real truck! He had a blast!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fall Down Go BOOM! Sept 6 2009

Well Folks, we now have our official 1st Boo Boo. Yes, I did take pictures. Poor little Max fell in the driveway just before his best bud's birthday party! He was a big boy and didn't cry long. (the TV remote helped with that!) Mommy was a good girl and actually didn't cry! I thought I would for sure -but I guess I have been expecting this for a while!

A man and his lawn Sept 2009

Max is his father's son as we have seen over the past few posts...Daddy does it, so Max does it, Now he even mows the lawn!

Workin' at the car wash! August 2009

Darrell was washing the car so we gave Max a rag of his own so he could be like Daddy...He had a blast getting all wet and washing the car!

Chuga chuga chuga chuga CHOOCHOO! Aug 2009

What little boy doesn't LOVE trains? We want to thank Max's Grandpa for bringing down his old train sets for Max to grow into! Max, Daddy and Grandpa put together a huge train for the trains. Max "helped" drill holes in the legs!

Chillin' and Grillin'

Max enjoys copying whatever his daddy does, and now that includes grilling. He made his own meal for the family when they were here for our annual cookout!

He shoots - he scores! (or at least gets the floor clean!)

We gave Max some hockey sticks to play with, and we aren't sure if he is playing hockey or vacuuming! He slides the stick along the floor making a great vroom noise...Too funny!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"'Cause I'm a Wanderer, They Call Me A Wanderer"

Max has really gotten the hang of his walking. He can walk pretty far, and seems to have his balance on different surfaces! We are so happy with his progress! Here are some pictures of our little wanderer

Monday, July 6, 2009

It's Independence Day!

We went to Great Gran and Grandaddy's for the 4th this year! It was a lot of fun. Max had a blast playing with his cousins and cruising around his greatgrandparent's home. I think his favorite thing was the piano! Our Max LOVES music! Our time was cut a little short when the little guy just couldn't stay awake anymore, so we headed on home. Thanks to Gran and Grandaddy Sellers for a fun holiday!