Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. ~Chuck Swindoll

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fall Down Go BOOM! Sept 6 2009

Well Folks, we now have our official 1st Boo Boo. Yes, I did take pictures. Poor little Max fell in the driveway just before his best bud's birthday party! He was a big boy and didn't cry long. (the TV remote helped with that!) Mommy was a good girl and actually didn't cry! I thought I would for sure -but I guess I have been expecting this for a while!

A man and his lawn Sept 2009

Max is his father's son as we have seen over the past few posts...Daddy does it, so Max does it, Now he even mows the lawn!

Workin' at the car wash! August 2009

Darrell was washing the car so we gave Max a rag of his own so he could be like Daddy...He had a blast getting all wet and washing the car!

Chuga chuga chuga chuga CHOOCHOO! Aug 2009

What little boy doesn't LOVE trains? We want to thank Max's Grandpa for bringing down his old train sets for Max to grow into! Max, Daddy and Grandpa put together a huge train for the trains. Max "helped" drill holes in the legs!

Chillin' and Grillin'

Max enjoys copying whatever his daddy does, and now that includes grilling. He made his own meal for the family when they were here for our annual cookout!

He shoots - he scores! (or at least gets the floor clean!)

We gave Max some hockey sticks to play with, and we aren't sure if he is playing hockey or vacuuming! He slides the stick along the floor making a great vroom noise...Too funny!