Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. ~Chuck Swindoll

Friday, June 26, 2009

One Small Step for Mankind, 4 GIANT steps for Max!

Mommy finally got a first! While I am glad Darrell has bonded with Max over many of his firsts (smile, laugh, etc) I am so thrilled that Max gave his 1st steps to me! Max is playing at his grandmother's house this summer while I am at work. I went to pick him up on Wednesday and she had been walking him around the living room while he held her fingers. When I came through the door, they walked toward me. Max let go of Grandmother's fingers and stepped toward me all by himself! He took 4 whole steps before he reached me. I scooped him up and Grandmother and I jumped up and down laughing and congratulating a confused Max, who I am sure didn't realize he had done it! Poor little Max is a stubborn little fella, and refuses to walk. If he had realized he was doing it on his own, he would have sat himself down and crawled in true Max style! He hasn't ventured to take any more steps yet, but a least we know he can do it! I of course didn't have my camera ready when Max cruised along solo - but hope to catch him in action soon! Stay tuned!

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