Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. ~Chuck Swindoll

Friday, June 27, 2014

No more teachers, no more books!

After a somewhat draining year at Brassfield Elementary, we are finally on the last day.  Max was a real trooper.  He had his ups and downs, but all in all was successful.  He teacher said he is very intelligent...if only he would sit down and do his work!  He has gone from barely knowing how to count to 20 to adding double digit numbers.  Reading came so easily to him.  He can read just about any word you put in front of him.  If he doesn't know it, he will ask.  Once.  Then he knows it.  He has an amazing vocabulary! 

We haven't told Max yet, but he will be going to a new school starting first grade.  I have a few mixed emotions about it.  Brassfield is so close to home - 1.2 miles.  And while he doesn't seem to have any real strong bonds with any of his classmates (they would remain classmates till 5th grade because there is only one class per grade in Track 4 at Brassfield), at least he knows them and is comfortable there.  He at least knows his way around the school, too. 

Anyhow,  we are very proud of how much Max has learned and look forward to his educational future at Endeavor Charter School.

Here's Mussy having a last Kindergarten breakfast, and a last morning carpool

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