Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. ~Chuck Swindoll

Friday, May 24, 2013

T-Ball is hilarious! Go Knights!

We signed Max up for T-Ball this year.  He is on the Knights! Go #6!  So far we have really enjoyed it.  The kids don't know how to play, and it shows!  The 3rd baseman has a tendency to run home with the batter.  They wear batting helmets so they don't hit themselves in the head.  Only about 1/3 of the team is paying attention at a time.  My kid is the one twirling around with his glove on his head and playing in the dirt.  We are so glad we did this.  He has had 2 games so far, but I can all ready tell they are improving.  Did I mention they are cute?

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