Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. ~Chuck Swindoll

Saturday, September 14, 2013

7 months and all is well!

Another month is under little Riley's belt.  I cannot believe how fast time can fly.  I see little newbies and their newbie parents and have traveled far enough away from that to yet again feel nostalgic.  It is so funny how life works.  The newborn season is so difficult, so exhausting, so frustrating.  You don't sleep.  Showers are hard to take.  Houses don't get cleaned.  Laundry doesn't get folded.  And yet, once over it is dearly missed.  My sweet baby will never be that little again.  He is finally "too big" for something.  He has outgrown things.  He is no longer new.  While wistful for those first smiles and how dependent he used to be, I am ever so glad to see more of his personality emerge. Here's to you little Riley!  You bless our family and we are so glad you are here! 

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